Part band incubator, part muso/singer/band-matching social club, the Club’s goal is to help and support people into playing live music.
Access Levels
The web site has various levels of access to pages dependent on your subscription.
Subscriber Level will keep you posted via Newsletters and other notifications of club activities. It also gives you access to more areas of the web site.
Random Jam / Random Voice Level is for non-members who have participated in either of the Random Jam or Random Voice events. At this level more pages and news are made available eg. heads up on upcoming Random events.
Members Level (Life & Financial Members) provides full access to all areas of the web site including member pricing, Club activities, and news.
Note: Lapsed Members ie. not renewed after 60 days, will be reset to either Subscriber or Random Jam levels depending on their Club history.
Participation of these events will require to at least Subscribe to the Club, unless you are already a Member.