Hi Rob

My thinking is that we as a club are not directly a band booking intermediary/agency, even though we have a ‘Book a Band’ page.

This line of inquiry is directly for bands themselves, and are quite welcome to contact them directly ie. we do not pass on this request to our members.
But as you know we do as a Club provide live music to organisations whether charitable/disability/business (Bunnings) and need to keep this distinction somehow.

ATM I’m not sure of how to word this all to them as I’m distracted with other things right now, so I’ll have a think in due course. There may be previous request by other parties that I can look back to in email. We may need to put a note on the ‘Book a Band’ page.

What do you think?


> On 11 Jan 2024, at 9:54 am, Secretary wrote:
> Steve
> What do you want to do about these emails from Lucy Thompson at Bark? The company seems legit.
> Thanks
> Rob
> ————————————

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