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Damn =
guitarists eh=E2=80=A6.
certainly appreciate you guys and keeping us =
<> wrote:
be available for any gigs in July.
for the entire of the month of July.
—— Original =
Message ——
From: “SA Live Music Club” <>
To: =
“David Yelland” <>
: Monday, 26 Jun, 2023 At 2:36 PM
Subject: Call for registrations to =
July events
View this in your browser. =
Hello everyone =
We are need registrations for both Club Cool =
Sunday 16th July and Saturdays Session 22nd July.
Register here:
If you any questions =
can you contact the Events Team know asap.
Please, please, please, support your club by =
attending events we have organised as they are for you!
You are receiving this SA Live Music Club =
Newsletter because:
you are a Member of the =
SA Live Music Club, or you are a former Member =
receiving an occasional notice about an event that might be of interest =
to former members, or you subscribed to it on =
the SA Live Music Club web site at =
NB. We use email only for announcements and gig =
notices. The unsubscribe link below will remove you from the Club’s =
mailing list. It will not remove a member from the Club’s membership =
list, but you will no longer receive gig notices. =
Unsubscribe | Manage your subscription
SA Live Music Club, ABN 56 861 881 036, PO Box =
6208, Linden Park. SA. 5065 =