Random Bands​


Have fun playing in a Random Band. Non-members and guests welcome.

Like Random Jam, this gives members, former members and guests who have come along to a Random Jam, the chance to play with new people or try out a second instrument in a random band.

But Random Bands takes it a step further with a chance for the random band to play at a one-off gig in the Gov Gibson Stage (Front Bar).

Each random band will be invited to showcase approximately 30+ mins of material to the energetic crowd that frequents Random Bands and SA Live Music Club gigs.


Random Bands will get to play Saturday afternoon on 26th October on the Gov’s Gibson Stage (Front Bar). Each band will play a 30 minute set.

After registrations close on Tuesday September 10th 5:00pm, band members will be notified accepted or not, and to attend a meetup on Tuesday 17th September at 7:00pm, Mile End Hotel, Landing Room. The meeting is meant to be an introduction to the other members in your band, discuss song selection, nominate a band contact/co-ordinator, plan rehearsals, band name, band photo, etc. 

If you have not attended a SA Live Music Club Saturday Session, then you may wish to on 28th September, to get a feel and hopefully familiarise yourself with the venue. All backline equipment is supplied eg drums, amps, mics, etc.

Initial registrations will be taken to make up 2 bands, with overflows able to register an expression of interest if enough to fill more band(s). Each band can be made up of:

  • Drummer x 1
  • Bass Player x 1
  • Keyboard x 1
  • Lead Guitar x 1
  • Rhythm Guitar x 1
  • Harmonica x 1
  • Vocals x 2
  • Other

To register, click on your preferred instrument below, to Add to Cart, then proceed to Checkout and Payment.

Each instrument has a counter to ensure the number of instruments is sufficient and not overflowing. If your instrument of choice is not available, you can either try another instrument to play in the band, or register your interest for an additional band by completing the expression of interest form at the bottom of this page.

If we have enough interest prior to registrations close off, to form another band with a suitable mix of instruments, we will be in touch asap.

The fee for Random Bands is $27.50 for non-members, and $18.00* to Club members. 

The Club uses PayPal as a Payment Gateway, and you can use either PayPal or Debit/Credit Cards.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Instruments (Tick as many as apply)
How did you find out about Random Bands? (Tick as many as apply)

Note: Your registration is only accepted/confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Please note: Random Bands is brought to you by the SA Live Music Club. It is intended to keep members and former members engaged with the Club and give guests a taste of Club activities through participation in a fun event. It should not be confused with the much larger national Weekend Warriors Program, a completely separate undertaking that provides a full contemporary band experience with a dedicated, professional coach and a big production final concert. We encourage people to check out the national Weekend Warriors Program not only as a fabulous experience in itself, but also as a great way to get back into playing live music. For information about the national Weekend Warriors Program, please click here to visit their website.

“Weekend Warriors” is a Trademark of Recreational Music Making Pty Ltd. The Weekend Warriors Program is managed and delivered in South Australia through Holden Hill Music, not the SA Live Music Club.